Pro-Abortion Arson, Left-wing Lunacy, Experimenting On Kids

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Pro-Abortion Arson


Late Saturday night, Incarnation Catholic Church in Orlando, Florida, went up in flames.  According to Father William Holiday, “The church for all intents and purposes on the inside is destroyed.”


It’s possible this was just an unfortunate coincidence, but that’s not likely.  Saturday was the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade


Since the Dobbs decision was leaked last year, hundreds of churches, pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations have been attacked, vandalized, firebombed, etc. 


If one mosque was burned on Eid, it would be national news.  But, of course, this fire at a Catholic Church on the anniversary of the most significant pro-life victory in decades was totally ignored.  After all, many churches have been burned or attacked in the past year.  What’s one more, right?


You’d think our Catholic president might want to say something about this church and all the other attacks against Catholic churches.  Sadly, he was too busy promoting abortion on demand.




Harris Makes History


Vice President Kamala Harris has made history yet again.  According to the latest NBC News poll, Harris has the worst favorability rating of any vice president in the history of the network’s polling!


Why is that relevant?  Well, Joe Biden will turn 82 just after the 2024 election, which would make him the oldest president in history.  Given the growing concerns about his mental and physical abilities, it’s fair to say that a vote for Joe Biden next November is really a vote for “President Kamala Harris.”




Left-wing Lunacy


Just when you think the woke left has reached peak lunacy, it somehow manages to outdo itself.  The latest example involves St. Philip’s College, a historically black community college in San Antonio, Texas.


For more than 20 years, Professor Johnson Varkey has taught biology, human anatomy and physiology at St. Philip’s College.  But last November, as he was teaching a class on human anatomy, four students walked out in protest. 


What did Professor Varkey say that so outraged these students? He told them, as he has told students every year, that our sex as male and female is determined by our individual X and Y chromosomes. 


For that “heresy,” students accused Dr. Varkey of “religious preaching” and “discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals.”  Not long after that, St. Philip’s College fired Dr. Varkey.


For years, Dr. Varkey has taught his students the same thing.  For years, he has “followed the science.”  But now, his teaching is suddenly a huge controversy.  Our friends at First Liberty are in court fighting to help Dr. Varkey get his job back. 


This isn’t just a transgender issue.  It’s bigger than that. It’s another example of how the left exploits, abuses and manipulates science and demands that reality must bend in order to advance its radical agenda. 


On climate change and global warming, the left has made it impossible for any professor or scientific journal to raise any questions about global warming or to what degree climate change is caused by human activity.


During COVID, we were confronted with a new virus, and there were competing scientific claims about the origins of the disease and what were best practices to stop its spread.  But the left did not want that debate, and it did everything to shut debate down. 


Decisions were made that advanced the left’s policy and political goals.  If you questioned their assertions, you were ostracized and called a “bigot.”  In some states, if you refused to follow the left’s dictates, you lost your job or faced fines meant to bankrupt you.


But when it was all over, we learned that the censored “minority opinion” was correct and that so much of what we were told was “settled science” was a lie.  (Here, here and here.)


Now we see the same thing happening on transgenderism.




Experimenting On Kids


Not only is basic biology being canceled to advance the left’s attack on God and His creation, but fake research is being cited to say that if you’re not for radical surgeries and unproven chemical treatments on children, then you want those children to kill themselves.  But performing these extreme interventions will allow them to lead normal lives. 


None of that is true.  It’s disgusting emotional manipulation, but it’s exactly what many parents and confused children are being subjected to every day by teachers, doctors and left-wing activists who are all pushing a fringe agenda.


In fact, these extreme medical experiments – and that’s exactly what they are, experiments – on children suffering from gender dysphoria are more likely to cause depression and negative outcomes


We already know that “transgender” youth are confronting multiple mental health issues.  In what other psychological situation would you “affirm” someone’s delusions?  Why on earth would you compound that with lifelong, severe physical complications?


No doctor would ever agree to perform gastric bypass surgery on a young girl who weighs 90 pounds but insists she’s fat.


That’s why “progressive Europe” (here, here and here) is slamming the brakes on the pseudo-science of “gender-affirming care.”


There are still some Republicans and many in the GOP donor class who see this as a fringe issue that distracts us from more important things.  They couldn’t be more wrong. 


It’s being used as a battering ram to destroy parental rights, to attack religious liberty and to undermine science – all with the goal of advancing a neo-Marxist, nihilistic agenda.




Biden’s Modern Military


The U.S. Army Special Operations Command, which includes iconic combat units like the Green Berets, the Rangers and the Delta Force, celebrated “Pride Month” with a social media post like every other military organization in Biden’s modern military.  But the Army Special Operations Command went “above and beyond the call of duty.”


Their social media post didn’t include just any “Pride” flag, but the “intersex-inclusive Pride Progress flag.”  It would take pages to explain what every symbol and color represents on the “intersex-inclusive Pride Progress flag.” 


Rumor has it that the Pentagon top brass still don’t understand why they’re struggling to meet recruiting goals. 


Here’s the bottom line:  This is another radical left-wing assault on military morale, and it is a betrayal of our brave men and women in uniform.


Our soldiers pledge their loyalty to only one flag. 


Our soldiers serve under only one flag. 


They fight and die for only one flag – the flag of the United States of America.