Rigged, Biden Gets Tough, A New Generation Rises

Tuesday, June 20, 2023



If you needed more evidence of the two systems of justice in America, we got it today when news broke of Hunter Biden’s plea deal.


The president’s son will plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges related to evading $1.2 million in taxes. He is also entering into a probation agreement on a felony gun charge. If he fulfills the terms of the agreement, the gun charge will be dropped from his record. 


The end result is that Hunter Biden will avoid any jail time and any real consequences.  Meanwhile, 70 year-old grandmothers who walked in the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, are doing time in the federal penitentiary.


The next time you end up owing the IRS more than $1 million in back taxes, try asking for the Hunter Biden deal and see how that works out for you. As constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley put it:


“[It’s] an evasion of the more serious allegations facing Hunter Biden and the Biden family. . . I think for many, this is going to look like you ticketed the getaway driver after a bank robbery.”


There is some confusion about the status of the Hunter Biden investigation at this point. Hunter’s attorneys told CBS News that this deal “resolves” the investigation. But the U.S. attorney for Delaware insisted that the investigation is “ongoing.”


Meanwhile, Senator Charles Grassley is once again demanding to know exactly what the U.S. attorney is investigating. 


Given everything that we know is on the “laptop from hell,” that seems like a very good question if all he has after five years of investigations is just two tax misdemeanors and an unrelated gun charge!


By the way, the latest news on the Biden bribery scandal is that Hunter and Burisma worked with a bank that was so corrupt it was eventually shut down because of its well-known money laundering schemes.


As infuriating as this deal is, it exposes multiple Biden lies. 


Biden claimed in 2020 that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and the media backed him up. 


He repeatedly said he never talked to Hunter about his business dealings. But we know Joe repeatedly met with his son’s business associates. 


And just a few weeks ago, the president said, “My son’s done nothing wrong.” Another lie.




Biden Gets Tough


Every day is a nightmare for those of us who love America. Watching Secretary of State Antony Blinken come home humiliated and empty-handed after kowtowing to the communist Chinese was bad enough. But it’s even worse watching the Biden gang get tough with one military – not China’s army, but ours!


While Blinken was appeasing communist China, the Biden White House ordered every unit in the United States military to celebrate gay pride this month and to display the rainbow flag on their social media pages. . . or else


One of the most historic units of the American military is the 82nd Airborne Division. Its motto is “Death From Above.” The 82nd Airborne didn’t take kindly to this order from above. 


Many veterans objected on the 82nd Airborne’s social media pages to kneeling at the gay pride altar. But Sgt. Maj. Michael Grinston, the Army’s top enlisted leader for morale and discipline issues, was furious. 


He spent hours debating people on social media and even suggested they might be guilty of “discriminatory harassment” based on so-called “gender identity.” If he really has nothing better to do, that speaks volumes about Biden’s modern military.


Communist China is building a manly military and plans to win the next war. Meanwhile, America’s brave men and women in the military are being forced to surrender to the demands of “gay pride.” God help us!




Beijing, Havana & Biden


Some “dissident” in the Biden Administration or the U.S. military is leaking information, and thank God they are! The leaks are preventing the Biden White House from doing what it does best, which is lying to us. 


According to the Wall Street Journal, communist China is doing much more than merely upgrading some old listening equipment in Cuba.  Beijing is in advanced negotiations with Havana to set up a joint military training base on the island. 


Translation: An unknown number of troops from the communist Chinese People’s Liberation Army will be stationed just 90 miles off the coast of the United States.


I wonder how much the “Big Guy’s” cut will be for letting this deal go through!


We’ve got big problems with communist China, and not all of them are in Beijing. The CEO of Raytheon, a major defense contractor, said recently that it is “impossible” for the United States and even his own company to “decouple” from communist China. 


It’s one thing for a toy manufacturer or some other industry leader to say that. But when did our own defense companies become dependent on COMMUNIST CHINA?! 


And who allowed that to happen?! The answer is big corporate elites, the DC Swamp and our foreign policy establishment. That is a gross and inexcusable betrayal of America’s national security.




Trump vs. Baier


Donald Trump did an interview with Bret Baier last night on Fox News. The interview was notable for how careful and thoughtful Donald Trump was when it came to answering questions about foreign policy. He adroitly avoided every trap that Baier set for him. 


But he did make one thing clear: None of the things that are happening every day now that signal America’s weakness were happening when he was president. And it was the one thing Bret Baier didn’t argue with him about. 


Trump said Putin didn’t invade Ukraine on his watch. He said China didn’t fly spy balloons across our country or set up bases in Cuba under his watch. 




2024 Update


Two new polls show Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in the race for the White House. A Rasmussen poll finds Trump at 45% compared to just 39% for Biden. The June Harvard/Harris poll also shows Trump leading Biden 45% to 39%.


Again, polls are just snapshots in time. The election isn’t tomorrow. It’s more than 500 days from now. But a lot of people seem to believe that “Trump just can’t win.” Well, the polls aren’t showing that yet. 


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis comes close. But the same Harvard/Harris poll that shows Trump beating Biden by six points, shows DeSantis barely beating Biden by just one point. If Trump is “so toxic,” why doesn’t DeSantis perform better? 


This suggests to me that there are a lot of voters who are attracted to Trump’s populist conservatism and who will only vote for Donald Trump. But we’re still a long way out from the first primaries and caucuses, and any number of unexpected things could happen at any time to dramatically upend the race.




A New Generation Rises


Tomorrow, Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR), Marco Rubio (R-FL), J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Todd Young (R-IN) will hold an event on Capitol Hill to, as one New York Times reporter put it, “highlight the emergence of a populist conservative movement in economics.” 


They are promoting a new agenda to replace the old Republican multinational corporation-friendly policies, including globalist “free trade,” that have undermined American families and our economic future. 


The senators are looking to combine a mix of pro-family, blue-collar, America First policies with a major deregulation effort to boost domestic manufacturing and spur the creation of jobs that will support middle-class working families.


At the same time, a new analysis finds that “Republicans are now less dependent on corporate and industry [political donations] than at any time in the past three decades.”


This really shouldn’t surprise anyone. 


Decades ago, multinational corporations sold out the heartland and shipped our factories and jobs to communist China. Now, they’re going woke and allying with the left in the culture war. They are attacking our values and attempting to dictate what we can teach our children. (Yeah, I’m talking about you, Disney!)


Why would any conservative stand with big corporations over Main Street entrepreneurs and small businesses?