Senate Showdown Set, Trump Orders Declassification, Day Of Atonement

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Senate Showdown Set
Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced yesterday that Dr. Christine Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh will both testify under oath on Monday. 
I understand why this hearing is necessary, and I also understand that Judge Kavanaugh is champing at the bit to publicly defend himself.  He reportedly wanted to go on multiple TV shows yesterday to defend his honor.  But it was decided that he should speak only to the Judiciary Committee.
But do not underestimate how difficult this hearing will be.  Just consider what we have already witnessed.  Progressive senators have broken Senate rules to release confidential information, manipulated quotes to smear Judge Kavanaugh and withheld a bombshell letter until everything else had failed.
My point is simply this:  The left has no respect for the rules and decorum.  To the left, the ends do justify the means.  (See next item.)  Progressives are playing hardball, and they will do whatever it takes to win. 
On the other hand, the all-male Republican senators on the committee will be walking on egg shells to not appear mean to the "victim."  But that's really the bottom line:  We have not yet seen any evidence that Dr. Ford is a victim of Judge Kavanaugh.
Her story contradicts everything else that we know about Judge Kavanaugh's character.  It contradicts the statements of the only other alleged witness to the event. 
There has been a concerted effort in the media to present Dr. Ford as a reluctant witness.  The line has been that she didn't want to go public because she feared it might destroy her.  That is absurd. 
Anyone who tries to take down the Trump Administration gets a free ride from the press.  They are hailed as a hero by the left.  I'm sure she could raise hundreds of thousands of dollars on a GoFundMe page, just like McCabe and Strzok.  And it wouldn't surprise me if there is already a book contract in the works.
And if she never wanted to go public, why did she hire a lawyer and take a polygraph test in August?  Those aren't the actions of someone trying to protect her privacy.  Those are the actions of a committed activist preparing to do battle against Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh.
One final point.  While it is good that abusive men like Harvey Weinstein are being called out and held accountable, there is a real danger that the #MeToo movement is becoming weaponized by the left.
Every woman should think about the men in their life whom they love -- a husband, a father, a brother or a son.  If a mere accusation, even one that is 35 years old, is enough to destroy someone's career and reputation, then no one is safe.
The End Game
The reality here is that the fight playing out in the Kavanaugh confirmation is about control of the Supreme Court, and whether the left can continue to use the courts to impose its values on the rest of the country.  And liberals are desperate to run out the clock.
If they can block Kavanaugh, it is unlikely the Senate could confirm another Trump nominee before the end of the year.  And control of the Senate increasingly seems to be up for grabs this November.
Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) told Politico that if Democrats do derail Kavanaugh and if they do retake the Senate, Trump had better not nominate a conservative.  If he does, he should be prepared for Kennedy's seat to remain vacant until after the 2020 elections. 
And it wouldn't be just the Kennedy seat.  We should expect Senate liberals to block every important Trump judicial nominee, just like they did to President George W. Bush's conservative judges.  (Here and here.)
Trump Orders Declassification
In the interests of transparency, President Trump yesterday ordered the declassification of documents related to the Russia collusion investigation, including portions of the FISA warrant applications against Carter Page, Bruce Ohr's notes and text messages from James Comey.
Unfortunately, we don't know how long this process will take.  In addition, multiple people will be able to review and scrub the material to protect intelligence "methods and sources."  There is still plenty of opportunity for mischief here. 
For example, on several occasions the Department of Justice redacted documents, supposedly on the grounds of national security, that were demanded by Congress.  We later discovered that the redactions had nothing to do with national security, but instead were done to hide details embarrassing to the department.
Nevertheless, as I was driving home last night, I began thinking about what President Trump accomplished yesterday.  He rallied support for Judge Kavanaugh and did it firmly and calmly.  He ordered the declassification of documents that may show how deep the conspiracy was to destroy his presidency.  He imposed another round of tariffs on the communist Chinese. 
Not a bad day's work.
Day Of Atonement
Jews throughout the world will begin observing Yom Kippur at sunset today. This is the holiest day of the Jewish year and it is a solemn day. It is known as the Day of Atonement because it marks God's forgiveness of His chosen people for the sin of the golden calf.
Many Israelis remember the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Arab armies took advantage of the holiday to launch a surprise attack against Israel. After intense fighting throughout the month of October, Israel ultimately prevailed.
On this solemn day, please join Carol and me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem and for a peaceful Yom Kippur for our Jewish friends.