Sessions vs. Sanctuary Cities
The hate we saw in Charlottesville over the weekend overshadowed another weekend of death in the city of Chicago. Thirty people were shot and nine were killed.
Many of these deaths are the result of drug gangs fighting each other. Tragically, all too often innocent victims get caught in the crossfire. Sunday, two worshippers at a black church were gunned down.
There is a complete breakdown of the rule of law and respect for life in Chicago, and the victims overwhelmingly are minorities. Attorney General Jeff Sessions yesterday condemned that breakdown of the rule of law, and he reminded Chicago's leaders that their first obligation is to protect their citizens and to obey the law. Instead, these left-wing politicians have put politically correct dogma first.
During a speech in Miami, Florida, Sessions blasted Chicago's lawlessness and contrasted Chicago's soaring murder rate to that of Miami's, which rescinded its sanctuary city policies. Here are some excerpts of the attorney general's remarks:
"In Chicago -- a city with almost exactly the same . . . population as Miami-Dade -- more than 433 people have been murdered since the beginning of the year. More than three times as many as Miami-Dade. Last year, Chicago's 2.7 million residents experienced more murders than the 12.5 million people who live in New York and Los Angeles -- combined. . .
"The most fundamental duty of government is to ensure the safety and liberty of its people. Respect for the rule of law has broken down. In Chicago, their so-called 'sanctuary' policies are just one sad example. . .
"Rather than acknowledge soaring murder counts . . . Chicago's mayor has chosen to sue the federal government. He complains that our focus on enforcing the law would require a 'reordering of law enforcement practice in [the city].'
"But that's exactly the point! For the sake of their city, Chicago's leaders need to recommit to policies that punish criminals instead of protecting them. They need to protect their citizens and not the criminals. . .
"The Department of Justice will not concede a single block or street corner in the United States to lawlessness or crime. Nor will we tolerate the loss of innocent life because a handful of jurisdictions believe that they are above the law."
Trump vs. Flake
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake is one of the most endangered incumbents in the country. His approval rating is 18%. He recently came out with a new book in which he embraces globalism and challenges many of Donald Trump's positions.
Senator Flake certainly has a tough fight ahead of him to hold his seat, but the Democrats may be the least of his worries. He is facing a primary challenge from Dr. Kelli Ward.
This morning President Trump weighed in, tweeting: "Great to see that Dr. Kelli Ward is running against Flake Jeff Flake, who is WEAK on borders, crime and a non-factor in Senate. He's toxic!"
This is a stunning development. That Donald Trump would have tough words for an opponent is not surprising. That a sitting president would oppose the reelection of a senator from his own party is unheard of.
NARAL's Disgusting Attack
The left's attempt to exploit the violence in Charlottesville continues. The radical pro-abortion group NARAL is desperately trying to link some of the white supremacists who organized Saturday's protest with the pro-life movement and the March for Life.
That is a disgusting smear of the men and women of faith who stand up for the most innocent and defenseless in our society -- unborn babies in the womb.
Sadly, this character assassination is typical of the left today. I know the good people who lead the March for Life, and I am proud to stand with them.
Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, tweeted in response to NARAL's attack, "The foundation of the #prolife movement is respect 4 the inherent dignity of every person regardless of race, creed, disability, politics, etc."
Of course, she is absolutely right. The pro-life movement rejects racism because we believe all life is sacred, created in the image of God. It is the left that cannot name one abortion it would prohibit, not even abortions performed solely on the basis of the race or gender of the baby. Now that is extremism.