She's Back!
Hillary Clinton is back. The former first lady, New York senator and secretary of state is barnstorming the country and conducting interviews as her new book, "What Happened," hits the shelves. While Hillary clearly has devoted fans (hundreds were lined up outside a Barnes & Noble this morning to see her), many liberals are cringing every time she opens her mouth.
"Democrats Dread Hillary's Book Tour," declared Politico. One former Clinton campaign staffer said her constant interviews are "the final torture."
The Hill writes, "Clinton's Score-settling Frustrates Democrats." The Washington Post review of "What Happened" declares, "The Hillary Clinton of this bitter memoir resembles the shrunken, beaten Richard Nixon."
Clinton has complained about Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, James Comey, sexism, the New York Times and, of course, Donald Trump.
During an interview with CBS's Jane Pauley this weekend, Hillary defended condemning half the country as "deplorable and irredeemable." She said she felt like Trump's behavior -- the Access Hollywood tape -- was "deplorable."
Well, there's a problem with that analysis. She made that comment a month before the Access Hollywood tape was released.
Even though she never campaigned in the state, Clinton blamed Wisconsin's voter ID law for depressing turnout. The left-leaning group PolitiFact debunked that claim.
Evidently, Hillary Clinton has no idea what really happened. As we have reported before, recent studies have concluded that the primary reason she lost was due to cultural issues -- like condemning half the country as "deplorable."
Hillary complained to Jane Pauley that Trump stoked racial grievances, and that "Millions of white people" were responsible for her loss. I'm not sure how choosing between two white candidates makes any voter a racist, but I should add that "millions of white people" were also responsible for the presidency of Barack Obama!
She went on to blast Donald Trump's inaugural address as "a cry from the white nationalist gut." I re-read the president's inaugural address. I have no idea what Hillary is talking about. Consider these excerpts:
"We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. The oath of office, I take today, is an oath of allegiance to all Americans. . . When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us, how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. . .
"It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black, or brown, or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same, great American flag."
There is absolutely no racism in anything President Trump said. But there was a lot of patriotism, and that seems to be the problem.
The so-called "progressive resistance" increasingly views everything American through the prism of racism. Every traditional American value and every conservative idea is being denounced as "white nationalism" and thus beyond the pale of polite discussion.
That mindset is the same kind of insanity that forces a socialist professor to flee a college campus and silences a liberal, gay journalist. The anti-American, totalitarian impulse of the progressive movement -- not Donald Trump -- is responsible for tearing the social fabric of this country.
A Warning To The GOP
A recent poll making the rounds in Washington serves as a stark warning to Republicans who oppose President Trump. While the media are working overtime to cast the president as a radioactive figure, his agenda remains popular, especially among conservatives. Here are some highlights:
- By a 24-point margin, all voters were "less likely" to support a candidate if they voted to "bailout insurance companies without repealing Obamacare." So far, that's all Congress has done.
- By the same margin, all voters were "less likely" to support a candidate if they failed to oppose Obama's radical transgenderism agenda in the military. Voters do not want the Pentagon paying for "gender reassignment" surgeries.
- By a 42-point margin, Republican voters were "less likely" to support a candidate who opposed funding for a border wall.
- By a 34-point margin, Republican voters were "less likely" to support a candidate who opposed extreme vetting of immigrants "from areas with a strong terrorist presence."
The poll also found that 85% of voters felt that freedom of speech was a fundamental right, while just 9% felt it should be restricted to avoid offending some people. In addition, 63% of voters opposed Antifa, while just 21% expressed support for the violent left-wing group.
Bashing Bannon
Next to Donald Trump, Steve Bannon is the left's favorite bogey man. He has routinely been slandered and smeared as a bigot and worse without a shred of evidence. I am proud to consider Steve a friend. He was a frequent guest on the "Bauer & Rose Show" on Sirius/XM radio. I never once heard him say anything that would justify the left's attacks.
In an interview with Charlie Rose, Bannon was asked about bigotry. He said, "[T]he Neo-Nazis and Neo-Confederates and the Klan, who, by the way, are absolutely awful -- there's no room in American politics for that. There's no room in American society for that."
I agree completely. And I am glad to see that the Senate voted unanimously to condemn white supremacist groups. Now when will it vote to condemn Antifa?
What the media have done to Steve Bannon is just one more example of the left's ability to drive a narrative, particularly a false narrative about our country and about high-profile conservatives.