Thursday, October 10, 2024 -- Exploiting Emergencies, Un-American, Empty Beds

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Exploiting Emergencies


The left has a saying, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” meaning they will exploit anything to advance their agenda. It’s hard to imagine, but we saw it again yesterday when President Biden gave a briefing about Hurricane Milton as it was about to hit Florida.


Breaking every norm, he used it to launch partisan political attack on Donald Trump. They have politicized every aspect of our government – our intelligence agencies, our Justice Department, the Pentagon, and now FEMA. Biden not only lied about Trump; he lied about what Trump said.


But Biden really crossed the line when he called Trump “un-American.” We can’t blame this on his dementia. This is one of the left’s main smear tactics, and they’ve been doing it for years. That’s what the whole Russia collusion hoax was all about.


The purpose here is clear. They want you to be confused about the difference between America the country and the government of the United States.


In countries like communist China, Cuba, and North Korea, if you are critical of the government, you are labeled an enemy of the nation.


In America, we have a right to be critical of the government, while still loving our nation.


“Get that book out of my child’s school!”


“Why do I have to stand in line at the DMV for hours? An illegal immigrant can get into the country faster than this.”


“Congress is spending too much money!”


The Biden administration gives us plenty of reasons to criticize it every day. And as Americans, we have a First Amendment right to criticize them.


Biden calling Trump “un-American” is ridiculous.


Would someone who is “un-American” fly the biggest American flag possible?


Would someone who is “un-American” open up one of his luxury resorts to house nearly 300 linemen who will be working hard to restore power?


Would someone who is “un-American” help raise more than $7.5 million for hurricane victims?


Would he champion the theme “America First”?


No, he wouldn’t do any of those things.






If Joe Biden wants to talk about what is “un-American,” I’m happy to set him straight.


Un-American is using your big city political cronies to file ridiculous charges in order to put your political opponents in jail.


Un-American is kicking your political opponents off the ballot.


Un-American is censoring free speech and restricting religious liberty.


Un-American is telling parents to shut up when the government forces our daughters to share restrooms with boys or exposes our children to graphic LGBTQ propaganda.


Un-American is opening our borders so millions of people can come illegally into our country, bringing crime to our communities and overwhelming public services.


Un-American is putting illegal aliens ahead of our own citizens.


That’s not misinformation. That’s exactly what is happening. (See next item.)




Empty Beds


Millions of Americans are justifiably outraged by the inept federal response to Hurricane Helene. This is a national scandal! And we get even angrier when government bureaucrats dismiss our concerns as “misinformation,” like the fact that illegal aliens are prioritized over American citizens.


Here’s proof.


A Hebrew school in Greensboro, North Carolina, closed as a result of the pandemic. Two years ago, the federal government signed a contract to lease the facility with 800 beds for $50 million. Why? They wanted it to house illegal aliens. But the facility has been vacant for some time now.


It’s been two weeks since Helene devastated parts of North Carolina, and the facility is still vacant. Many people in the area are furious that this facility has not been opened up to house North Carolinians who no longer have a home.


One of the people leading the charge to open the facility is Rep. Kathy Manning, a Democrat. She’s not spreading misinformation when she says a government facility to house illegal aliens is still sitting vacant.


It was just announced that FEMA will “soon take control” of the facility. Hopefully, that won’t take another two weeks.




Beer Politics


Kamala Harris went on Stephen Colbert’s comedy show this week. The “big news” from her appearance is that she drank some beer with Colbert. That’s not something politicians usually do on national TV shows. So, why did she do it?


Polling shows that Harris is struggling with working-class men of all races. Elizabeth Warren, aka Pocahontas, had the same problem. What did she do? She tried to drink a beer in her kitchen. It went over like a lead balloon. I guess Harris thought she’d try it again with a friendly host and a friendly audience.


Maybe some left-wing consultant thought that if Middle America sees her drinking beer, she’ll get their votes. Maybe they hired the same person who thought it was a good idea to insult Bud Light’s customer base. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think it will work.


Harris is the biggest LGBTQ advocate in the White House. She was the driving force behind the shocking displays on the White House lawn.


She poses for pictures with drag queens. One of her first media appearances as the Democrat presidential nominee was on RuPaul’s Drag Race, a drag queen show.


She picked a running mate who believes that boys have periods, too. So, he put tampon dispensers in school bathrooms, including boys’ bathrooms.


It’s going to take more than one beer to wash away her troubles with working-class Americans.


Since we’re on the subject, former First Lady Melania Trump made her views on boys in girls’ sports crystal clear. In her new book, she states what is obvious to most people:


“Male bodies generally have physical advantages – muscle strength, height, bone density, and lung capacity – that can affect fairness in competition, even at the high school level. . . [and] can upset the balance in a female league or tournament due to these physical advantages.”




Impact Unknown


Hurricanes Helene and Milton could turn the election upside down. For example, the hardest-hit counties in Georgia and North Carolina voted for Donald Trump four years ago. How will these devastated communities vote this year, if they can vote at all?


In Florida, 15 counties were under mandatory evacuation orders. There are two million Republicans and 1.2 million Democrats in those counties. How many of these people just lost their house? How many suffered such severe damage that they will be dealing with it for the next year, let alone the next 26 days?


Four years ago, Donald Trump won Florida by just over 371,000 votes. I am confident that Governor Ron DeSantis will do everything he can to make voting as easy as possible in these counties.


But that does not mean the people impacted will be in the mindset to go stand in line to vote when they are struggling to recover. And it won’t take much of a decline in turnout in these devastated communities in Florida and North Carolina to impact the election.


We are living in a narrowly divided country, and almost every swing state is just as narrowly divided.




Bidenflation Strikes Again


The latest inflation figures were released this morning, and they are higher than experts predicted. The main drivers of the jump in inflation were food and shelter – roughly 50% of the American family’s budget.


Core inflation, which excludes food and energy, jumped 0.3% in September. If that continues over the next year, that would be a 3.6% annual increase – way above the Federal Reserves target of 2%.


Prices have increased nearly 20% over the last four years under the Biden regime, wrecking family budgets. Small businesses are struggling, too.


A key measurement of optimism among small businesses has been below the historic average for 33 straight months, essentially the entire Biden administration. In addition, the Uncertainty Index is at a record high. And jobless claims jumped to the highest level in more than a year.


The elites are telling us that the economy is great. Really? Then why are we running a $1.8 trillion deficit if the economy is so “great”? If it gets bad, we’re going to see $3 and $4 trillion deficits!