The Totalitarian Left
Yesterday, we told you about the Soviet-style KGB tactics of the Capitol Hill Police. They've gone from protecting members of Congress, their staff and Capitol Hill visitors to investigating members of Congress, their staff and anyone they meet with.
Well, here's the latest example of the left's ongoing effort to weaponize big government against normal Americans.
The Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued an alert this week warning the public to be on guard for terrorist threats. Of course, radical Islam continues to wage jihad against us. One radical Islamist recently took hostages at a Texas synagogue.
We know drug cartels and violent gangs are pouring across our wide-open southern border. We know people from terrorist-supporting countries are entering illegally, too. (Here and here.) So, yes, there are lots of threats to our homeland.
But, shockingly, the latest bulletin zeroed in on a different "enemy."
This week's DHS terrorism alert warns against "an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories . . . to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions."
Let me translate that for you: The terrorist threat in America is us and our free speech!
By their definition, this "End of Day" report could be evidence of terrorism. Someone might argue that I'm sowing distrust in the government right now.
The fake news media labels everything conservatives say as "false narratives" and "conspiracy theories." If we try to argue that COVID came from a Chinese lab, that debate is shut down as a "conspiracy theory."
If we try to argue that Hunter Biden is compromised by his business dealings with communist China, that debate is shut down as a "conspiracy theory" and "Russian disinformation."
Now the latest terrorist threat is conspiracy theories that sow distrust in government. Question the government and you're a terrorist? That's fascism! That's Stalinism!
And that's also the intolerant left, which regularly tries to shut down free and fair debate.
Undermining Trust
If Joe Biden is worried about undermining trust in the government, he should look in the mirror. Polling shows that the public has been losing trust in government institutions for decades. And Biden has part of the government for decades!
Have the American people been engaged in a mass conspiracy for decades? Of course, not!
The whole theme of Ronald Reagan's presidency and a defining characteristic of the conservative philosophy is that government isn't the solution, government is the problem. But the left is trying to criminalize normal conservative beliefs.
Why is our trust in government falling? It's not a conspiracy. The radical socialists in Big Government have undermined trust all by themselves!
The government lied about Obamacare.
The government lied about weaponizing the IRS.
The government lied about COVID.
The government lied about Afghanistan.
The government lied about the border.
When the left put racist ideology in our schools and we found out, they called it a conspiracy theory. They said, "Critical race theory isn't in the schools."
They lied!
When we persisted in exposing the lie, they called out the FBI to intimidate concerned parents. That's not how free societies work. That's how totalitarian regimes operate. And it doesn't inspire trust.
Sowing Discord
Meanwhile, the left is constantly sowing discord. Everything the left says and does is an attack on America and an attack on normalcy. The left is constantly attempting to "exacerbate societal friction" with its constant class warfare and race baiting.
The left is teaching that the very first government of the United States was genocidal and evil, so the whole nation must now be fundamentally transformed. Chinese communist propaganda couldn't be more damaging to America than Marxist critical race theory. That's sowing public discord!
How about Joe Biden going to a historically black college and telling the audience that the 80% of Americans who support voter ID laws are all a bunch of 1950s segregationists? That's sowing public discord!
How about demonizing hardworking Americans and our frontline heroes – doctors, nurses and police officers – who may be skeptical of the COVID vaccines? That's sowing public discord!
How about falsely claiming for years that Donald Trump was compromised by the Russians? That's sowing public discord!
How about insisting that we must lie about biological truth by demanding we call a man "she/her"? Or that we must tolerate men in our daughters' restrooms? That attack on normalcy is sowing public discord!
There are many important issues confronting us today. The explosion of our national debt. The promotion of abortion on demand. Our wide-open borders. Communist China's rampant espionage.
But this obvious effort by the left to turn the power of our own government against normal Americans expressing normal objections to bizarre and outrageous policies is the most dangerous thing happening in the country right now.
This is part of the totalitarian left's effort to criminalize politics and mainstream conservative beliefs. This is how a nation loses its liberty.
Every conservative leader at every level must denounce the left's intolerance. And we must fight back!
Please stand with me as fight for faith, family and freedom!
Still Falling
Given everything I just laid out, it's not surprising that many Americans are frustrated with the state of our union and its leadership. It would be surprising if they weren't.
So, not surprisingly, Joe Biden's approval rating continues to fall.
The latest poll by Investor's Business Daily finds that only 38% of Americans approve of Joe Biden's job performance. And that's not an outlier. The RealClearPolitics average of all polls finds Biden's approval rating is just 40%.
Secure Our Borders First
Thousands of U.S. troops have been put on a "heightened state of alert" and are being redeployed to eastern Europe because of a threat that Russians might cross the borders of Ukraine.
I support standing with our allies. Putin should be heavily sanctioned if he invades Ukraine. We should also use this moment to insist that our European allies pay their fair share for their defense.
But what about our borders? Thousands of Russians are crossing our southern border, and no one in the Biden Administration seems to care. Many Americans are outraged by this obvious dichotomy.
I am pleased to report that some House Republicans are trying to correct this. They have introduced legislation that essentially says, "No more funds to protect the border of Ukraine until we secure ours." Makes perfect sense to me!
The globalists on the left and the right insist these are two separate issues. But, in fact, the dichotomy reveals the heart of the issue.
There is a bipartisan unwillingness to secure our southern border, and there is a bipartisan commitment to secure the borders of Europe. The globalists in both parties feel an overwhelming obligation to meet international commitments, while ignoring commitments to America.
I have heard senators in both parties speak more passionately about Ukraine's borders than our own borders. The Pentagon leadership that willingly cooperated in Biden's Afghanistan fiasco fought Trump's efforts to send troops to secure our border.
But what we're watching right now -- sending troops to Europe while not sending troops to the southern border -- is the very definition of "America last."
If we want the American people to support a strong foreign policy against rogue nations like Iran, Russia and communist China, we must start by immediately securing our borders and stopping the daily invasion of America by people entering illegally from all over the world.