Trump Touts Jobs
Ford announced plans today to invest more than $1 billion in three Michigan plants, potentially creating hundreds of new jobs. President Trump celebrated the announcement this morning, tweeting, "Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!"
President Trump also went to the Environmental Protection Agency today. He was in the belly of the bureaucratic beast to sign an executive order rolling back Barack Obama's job-killing environmental regulations.
In a related development, I am pleased to report that House Republican leaders announced this morning that they have restarted negotiations on legislation to repeal Obamacare. As you know, that is exactly what I called for in my report yesterday!
Progressives Go Nuclear
Don't look backwards to the healthcare fiasco, my friends. Another showdown may be looming on the horizon. Emboldened by the Republican healthcare defeat, left-wing senators are signaling that they will do whatever it takes to torpedo Judge Neil Gorsuch's confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Florida Senator Bill Nelson announced yesterday that he supports Chuck Schumer's decision to filibuster Judge Gorsuch. Eleven years ago Nelson was one of 19 Senate Democrats who opposed the filibuster of Samuel Alito. Nelson is also one of ten Senate Democrats up for reelection next year in a state Donald Trump won.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his GOP colleagues have it in their power to prevent this. They can change the rules, just as Harry Reid did, when it served the left's interests to do so. And conservatives should stop referring to this rules change as "the nuclear option."
In their desperation to control every lever of power in order to fundamentally redefine America, progressives are the ones "going nuclear" in order to block conservative judges.
Filibusters of Supreme Court nominations are unprecedented. Perhaps only one Supreme Court nomination has ever been successfully defeated by a filibuster. And even Barack Obama, who voted to filibuster Alito, later came to regret it and said it was the wrong thing to do.
What the left is doing to Judge Gorsuch is unfortunate. But it would be tragic if the Senate leadership allow this smear campaign to succeed because some senators put process above principle. After having fumbled the ball on Obamacare repeal, conservatives in the Senate must not fail to confirm Neil Gorsuch.
ACTION ITEM: Call your senators now at 202-224-3121. Tell them to oppose any effort to filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch.
The Left Redefines Patriotism
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), one of the most radical left-wing members of Congress, delivered an impassioned speech last night on the House floor about patriotism. But don't get too excited.
The left has looked down its nose at patriotism forever. It is suddenly tough on Russia for the first time since the Cold War because the left thinks Russia stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming president.
The left demands total loyalty to open borders, same-sex marriage and global warming. If you don't agree with left-wing dogma on those issues you're not a patriot. But in Maxine's mind, opposing Donald Trump is patriotic. Here's some of what she said:
"I oppose this president. I do not honor this president. I do not respect this president. . . When we fight against this president, and we point out how dangerous he is for this society and for this country, we're fighting for the democracy. We're fighting for America. We're saying to those who say they're patriotic . . . 'You're not nearly as patriotic as we are.'"
Who knows how this will end. The left has redefined caring for the environment to mean global warming and climate change. The left appears to be on the verge of redefining healthcare. And it has redefined marriage. If the left succeeds, perhaps patriotism in the near future may mean opposing conservatives.
Ted's Truth
Did you happen to see the exchange between Sean Hannity and Ted Koppel? It is worth watching. During an interview about the role of the media and polarization in America, Koppel's elitist attitude was on full display. It was clear that in Koppel's mind, the left-wing media are the ultimate arbiters of truth.
This prompted Sean Hannity to ask, "You think we're bad for America? You think I'm bad for America?" Koppel answered, "Yeah, in the long haul. . . You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts."
That is Ted Koppel's version of the truth -- only our left-wing media elites define what truth is, while conservatives are just a bunch of Neanderthals stuck on ideology.
The truth is that it is so-called "progressives" who are all about ideology.
Ideology is what is driving Maxine Waters.
Ideology is what is driving the filibuster of Neil Gorsuch.
Ideology is what led the left to redefine marriage and declare biology to be bigotry.
Ideology is why we call some men "women" or why some people now claim to be "genderless."
Ideology is why schools are now forcing young boys to change in front girls and why girls are losing athletic games to boys who pretend to be girls.
Ideology is why the left believes in open borders and thinks illegal immigration and sanctuary cities make sense.
Ideology is why progressives can't see that what is in the womb is a human life even though textbooks are clear about when life begins.
Trump's Tweet
In a series of provocative tweets last night, President Trump asked questions that are on the minds of millions of Americans, questions that the left-wing media would never ask. He tweeted [condensed for ease of reading]:
"Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech money to Bill, the Hillary Russian 'reset,' praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax."
As the president noted, Hillary Clinton's actions and policies benefitted Russia. As I noted in my latest opinion piece, Trump's actions and policies will not. So why all the hysterical focus on Trump?