Obama's Plunge
One year ago Barack Obama had just defeated Mitt Romney to win his second presidential term. Basking in the glow of victory, his spirits sky-high, Obama would grab the Washington Post, and see a front page poll that brought him even more cheer. When asked who they trusted to do a better job coping with the problems the nation faced, the American people chose Obama over Republicans in Congress by an astonishing 50 to 35 percent.
Now fast forward to today. Republican in-fighting has increased. The government shutdown tactic didn’t work. The Ryan-Murray budget deal has outraged many conservatives. But when the public is asked who they trust most, Obama’s 15-point lead has evaporated. The country now is divided right down the middle, with 41 percent saying Obama and 41 percent saying Republicans in Congress. (Fifteen percent say neither.)
The size and swiftness of Obama’s plunge is historic. In modern times only Richard Nixon had lower approval ratings at this point in his presidency.
We can win next November, but we must unite!
Another Victory For Conscience
Though the dispute is already at the Supreme Court, yesterday another judge ruled in favor of freedom of conscience in finding that Obamacare's mandate forcing religious institutions to participate in practices that violate their beliefs unconstitutional.
Federal Judge Brian Cogan ruled that four Catholic non-profits don't have to betray their faith by providing health insurance that includes free birth control. He issued a permanent injunction prohibiting the federal government from imposing that requirement on two Catholic health care institutions and two Catholic high schools. The mandate, Cogan ruled, "...compels them to perform acts that are contrary to their religion," adding, "There can be no doubt that the coercive pressure here is substantial."
Had Cogan not ruled in their favor, these faith-based institutions would have had to choose between violating their faith and paying thousands of dollars in penalties a day. Religious freedom is America's first freedom. More and more judges are acknowledging that basic fact, even if the Obama administration refuses to.
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