A Brilliant Performance
As the Russia collusion delusion melts away, the left has adopted a new attack against President Trump. We have heard whispers for months, but the publication of Michael Wolff's new book turned the rumors into a full-fledged media conspiracy.
According to the left, the president is crazy. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) noted recently, this tactic is not new for the left -- it has questioned the sanity of virtually every conservative president.
The theme of Wolff's book is that the president can't focus, is impulsive, can't read, is obsessed with himself, etc. Well, little did Democrat congressional leaders know, as they were headed to the White House yesterday, that they would end up demolishing the narrative the left has been constructing in recent weeks.
They walked into the Cabinet Room and sat down at the table. The White House press pool was brought in to take a few pictures and record a few moments of video, which is shared with other media outlets and used for brief clips on the evening news. At that point the press is normally ushered out of the room.
Instead, President Trump kept the cameras rolling so that the American people could watch the negotiations play out on national TV. For the next hour, every cable channel broadcast the meeting live. It showed President Trump in command and fully in charge of the facts.
At one point, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) complained that what the president was proposing is very complex and would be hard to get done. Trump urged him to be serious about negotiating and to get it done.
The entire performance was a brilliant strategic move. Even CNN's Wolf Blitzer acknowledged that President Trump deserved "a lot of credit" for hosting a "really remarkable meeting."
But What's The Policy?
The way the president conducted yesterday's meeting was remarkable. He looked very much like a stable genius. But there are concerns by many on the right over where this may be headed.
For example, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) pushed for a "clean DACA bill," meaning no border security measures, followed by "comprehensive immigration reform," which really means a massive amnesty.
DACA, Barack Obama's unconstitutional amnesty for the children of illegal immigrants, is a bitter pill to swallow. If that pill is part of any deal, then it is imperative that the president gets authorization and funding for a border wall. For many conservatives, a big new immigration law prior to the wall would likely be a bridge too far.
The White House must be very careful that these negotiations do not result in a situation where all the president gets is a pledge to fund the wall at some future point. We have been burned by past promises for future border security. We cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.
If that happens, we will have another wave of illegal immigrants bringing their children across the border. In fact, it may be happening already.
In my view, the president can survive, regardless of what the polling says, if DACA is terminated. What I don't think he can survive is getting through his first term without serious progress on the wall.
A Good Day
There are many ways to define a good day. For me, a good day is whenever I can cause the left to set its hair on fire. And when I tweeted support for the president's performance at yesterday's meeting, I got an avalanche of attacks from hateful progressives, which I find reaffirming. A far-left attack group called "Right Wing Watch" generated the wave of invective.
As you can imagine, the remarks ran the gamut from suggestions that I needed a mental evaluation to accusing me of being anti-American. Much of it can't be repeated here.
When I did a little checking, I quickly discovered that many of my critics were proud atheists. Not surprisingly, the anti-faith movement has become one of the most intolerant and vicious battering rams of the left.
Another Radical Imam
Our friends at the Middle East Media Research Center are doing tremendous work shining a spotlight on the hate being preached in many mosques. Unfortunately, much of their recent work has focused on mosques not in the Middle East but here in America. California. South Carolina. Tennessee. Garland, Texas.
Add to this disturbing and growing list Raleigh, North Carolina and Houston, Texas.
In every case, these imams have been caught espousing unacceptable, hateful, bigoted and dangerous ideas. And it gets us right back to the immigration issue.
President Trump has rightfully said that we must be careful about not allowing terrorists into the country. That is the bare minimum we should be doing -- and yet the left is fighting tooth and nail to block the president at every turn.
A serious country would have an immigration system that does enough serious vetting to determine whether prospective immigrants share the values our country was founded on and that they are not closet anti-Semites, opponents of religious liberty and women's equality.
There is no excuse for any administration to be importing hatred into the United States.
Good News
We've reported that many companies are celebrating the tax reform law with bonuses, pay increases and better benefits for their workers. Now there is news that utility companies are cutting rates and passing on the savings to their customers.
It's called "trickle down" economics. Just one more way the Trump's tax cuts are putting more cash in the pockets of hard-working Americans!
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Wednesday, January 10, 2018