Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sessions Slams House Leadership Surrender

When it comes to immigration, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is one of the best champions of the rule of law. He has steadfastly fought the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform bill as a sellout of American workers and the middle class. And Sessions has been one of the most vocal critics of any abuse of executive authority to impose another mass amnesty.

That's why his comments slamming the House's legislation to address the border crisis got my attention. Here's is an excerpt of Senator Sessions' statement:

"The Obama Administration has openly declared its plan to implement a unilateral executive amnesty for 5–6 million more illegal immigrants. This unlawful amnesty … would include work permits, taking jobs directly from millions of struggling American citizens. …

"That the House leaders' border package includes no language on executive actions is surrender to a lawless president. And it is a submission to the subordination of congressional power.

"After years of falling wages and rising joblessness, American workers are pleading for someone to hear them. How can it be that our president is brazenly advertising that he will nullify and strip away American workers' immigration protections, and their own elected leaders will not rise to their defense? Or to the defense of our laws and our Constitutional order?"

Senator Sessions is right. The White House has been crystal clear about its intentions to issue another mass amnesty. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), one of the most vocal pro-amnesty advocates in Congress, told MSNBC that he expected Obama would act "broadly and generously."

How does Obama act "generously" when it comes to immigration? The same way liberals always do -- he's going to be generous with your money, giving away your schools, your hospitals and the very concept of citizenship.

Senator Ted Cruz is reportedly meeting with House conservatives this evening to rally opposition to the leadership's border bill. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is suggesting the leadership could earn more support if it includes the Blackburn bill and other changes to its border legislation. Stay tuned.

Pence Demands Deportation

The federal government reportedly transported nearly 250 children from Central America to Indiana without informing state officials. Governor Mike Pence told reporters yesterday that he only learned about these children being in his state after hearing about them in news reports. In response, Governor Pence fired off a letter to the White House telling it to remove the children:

"Those who have crossed our border illegally should be treated humanely and with decency and respect, but they should be returned expeditiously to their home countries to be reunited with their families rather than being dispersed around the United States in sponsored placement or long-term detention facilities. Failure to expedite the return of unaccompanied children thwarts the rule of law and will only continue to send a distorted message that illegally crossing into America is without consequence.

"What we are currently experiencing in Indiana … is neither sensible nor humane. States should not be asked by the federal government to deal with the consequences of a failed national immigration policy."

There are a lot of big cities that have declared themselves to be "sanctuary cities" and above the law -- San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Detroit. Give the liberal residents of these cities what they asked for: Send the illegal immigrants there!

The People Say "NO!"

Yet another national poll finds overwhelming public opposition to the administration's handling of immigration policy. Here are some key findings from the latest Associated Press survey:

·  Only 31% approve of the president's handling of immigration policy, while 68% disapprove.

·  67% said illegal immigration was an "extremely/very serious problem" facing the country, while 11% said it was "not at all serious."

·  Only 20% of the public said they favored the current policy that allows children from Central America to avoid immediate deportation, unlike Mexican or Canadian children.

It is telling that some members of the president's party are now publicly stating their opposition to any mass amnesty by executive order.

Obama Writes New History Of America

Sunday, the White House released a statement from the president celebrating Eid-al-Fitr, the end of the month-long Ramadan fast for Muslims. In the statement, Obama said, "Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."

I wonder if the president could nail down for us when all that "fabric building" and "democracy strengthening" took place. From 1776 until recent decades, there were very few Muslims in America. The vast majority of mosques in the country were established in the last 30 years.

I am sure many of these folks are good people, but it is silly to suggest that they have been central to the American historical experience. Someday perhaps we will see hundreds of thousands of Muslims marching in New York and Washington, D.C., against Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and Iran. Then we can talk about fabric building.

I'm also still waiting for Obama to deliver a speech singing the praises of the Judeo-Christian contributions to the fabric of our society. The Founders were reading the Torah and the New Testament on their way to Constitution Hall, not the Koran. But I won't hold my breath.