End of Day Archives

ISIS Strikes Again, Border Warnings, Jihadi High, Stop The Self-Delusion


BREAKING NEWS: ISIS has released a video purportedly showing the beheading of a second American journalist, Steven Sotloff. The jihadist taunted Obama in this video. In that sense, he is a lot like Putin, who regularly taunts the president while he continues his murderous ways in Ukraine. More and more we are seeing that a foreign policy based on reciting "Give peace a chance," doesn't work well in the real world. 

Putin Strikes, Stark Warnings, Obama Preps Amnesty Defense

Putin Strikes 

Putin is tightening his noose around Ukraine. While Russian troops on leave have reinforced flagging separatists in eastern Ukraine, two columns of Russian tanks and armored fighting vehicles invaded southeastern Ukraine and seized a town on the Sea of Azov, creating a second front. 

A Ukrainian military spokesman said, "Our border servicemen and guardsmen retreated as they did not have heavy equipment."

Ceasefire Holding, Jihad In America, Obama To Shame America

Ceasefire Holding 

The ceasefire announced yesterday between Israel and Hamas seems to be holding -- for good reason. While Hamas declared victory yesterday, in reality it was increasingly desperate to end the fighting.

Some Israelis are frustrated that Hamas wasn't totally defeated, but the jihadists took a beating. Their terror tunnel complex was exposed and decimated. Top leaders and hundreds of fighters were killed. Many weapons caches were destroyed. And reports suggest Hamas may have had only a month's worth of rockets left in its arsenal. 

Backups & Blackberries, Middle East In Chaos, Something Is Wrong

Backups & Blackberries 

There may be a breakthrough concerning the IRS Tea Party targeting scandal. Judicial Watch, which is currently engaged in a legal battle with the IRS, is claiming that Lois Lerner's emails are not missing. 

Hillary The Hawk, A Disciple of Death, Britain's Fifth Column, Immigration Scrambles Politics

Hillary The Hawk? 

There were a lot of reminders last week about the brutal reality of the world we live in. Beheadings. Crucifixions. Threats against major U.S. cities. Unfortunately, it is not at all clear that the images and drama had any impact on the neo-isolationism of the Paul family. 

ISIS Warnings, Israel Update, Scandal Update, Good News

More Warnings On ISIS 

Military and political leaders are ratcheting up their warnings regarding the threat America faces from the jihadists of ISIS. For example: 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Will The West Win This Time?

President Obama interrupted his Martha's Vineyard vacation yesterday to address the beheading of American journalist James Foley. Obama mustered all the outrage and anger he is apparently capable of.

Will West Win, ISIS & Hamas, Bless You

Will The West Win This Time? 

President Obama interrupted his Martha's Vineyard vacation yesterday to address the beheading of American journalist James Foley. Obama mustered all the outrage and anger he is apparently capable of. 

Radical Islam, Christian Persecution, Illegal Immigration

Hamas Breaks Ceasefire Again 

The latest truce between Israel and Hamas unraveled yesterday after talks in Cairo failed to resolve one of the major issues -- Hamas' demand for open airports and seaports, which Israel will not agree to unless Gaza is demilitarized. The reason should be obvious to anyone. A completely open airport and seaport will mean more weapons from Iran pouring into Gaza, guaranteeing that the next war will be even more costly to Israel. 

The Violent Left, ISIS Here

Violent Left Descends On Ferguson 

During the violence last night in Ferguson, two things -- one disturbing and one hopeful -- became apparent. Nearly three dozen people were arrested, and it is clear that outsiders are streaming into Ferguson to perpetuate the violence and create chaos. 

The Washington Post writes that many people have "arrived by bus and by car from Chicago, Detroit, Brooklyn and elsewhere." A police official shared nearly 50 arrest reports and "a large number have addresses listed in Illinois or in Texas." 
