End of Day Archives

Press Hypocrisy, Yazidi Crisis, Christian Persecution, Values Voter Summit


BREAKING NEWS: There are unconfirmed reports of renewed fighting in Ukraine, potentially involving a direct engagement between Russian and Ukrainian military forces. Watch for additional developments over the weekend. Thugs around the world, from Putin to ISIS, are on the march as they see America in retreat. 

"Obama Calls For Calm, Then Golfs" 

Rhetoric vs. Reality, Navy Bans Bibles, Frustration and Immigration

Rhetoric vs. Reality 

Late yesterday the Pentagon announced that observers on the ground determined that the crisis on Mt. Sinjar had eased, making a planned rescue operation "far less likely." 

A more accurate description would be that the crisis has simply moved. As the increasing ranks of homeless Iraqis and crucified Christians attest, the crisis posed by Islamic State jihadists is far from over. 

Quo Vadis Barack, Pastors Speak Up, Kudos To Trent Franks

Quo Vadis, Barack? 

For those not familiar with Latin, the phrase means, "Where are you going"? The president of the United States is often referred to as the leader of the free world. But neither our friends nor our foes know where he will lead us next. 

Earlier in the week, NBC's Chuck Todd said, "I've been trying to figure out [Obama's] doctrine now for six years. He doesn't have one. … It's almost like he pushes and pulls… And he goes back and forth…" And so it seems with Iraq.

Ineffective Bombing, Evil of Islamofascism, Now They Tell Us, Planned Parenthood Busted Again

Ineffective Bombing In Iraq 

Yesterday, Lt. General William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, briefed reporters on the status of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or ISIS and concluded: 

Ineffective Bombing, Evil of Islamofascism, Now They Tell Us, Planned Parenthood Busted Again

Ineffective Bombing In Iraq 

Yesterday, Lt. General William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, briefed reporters on the status of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or ISIS and concluded: 

Ineffective Bombing, Evil of Islamofascism, Now They Tell Us, Planned Parenthood Busted Again

Ineffective Bombing In Iraq 

Yesterday, Lt. General William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, briefed reporters on the status of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or ISIS and concluded: 

Obama Blames The Media, Media Waking Up, Hillary Slams Obama’s Foreign Policy

Obama Blames The Media

In a wide-ranging interview with liberal New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, Barack Obama lamented being blocked from fully implementing his left-wing agenda. Among the culprits Obama cited for standing in his way was -- I kid you not -- the media. Here's what Obama told Friedman:

Friday August 8, 2014

Barbarians March, Christians Die, Obama Talks

Just a few days ago the “world community” from the U.N. to the White House were in spasms of righteous indignation about Gaza. More specifically they were indignant about civilians dying in Israeli airstrikes and not so indignant about Hamas’s use of the civilian population as human shields.

Thursday August 7, 2014

A Victory For Marriage On The Horizon?

During a hearing of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday, attorneys representing four states—Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee—argued before a panel of three judges that popular votes in those states preserving traditional marriage should stand.

Wednesday August 6, 2014

Poll Bad News For Left; How Will Conservatives Respond?

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll highlights the depth of America’s anxiety about the economy and political situation.

First off, this poll is of adults. Polls of adults tend to overstate Democratic strength, electorally speaking, while polls of registered voters or likely voters tend to favor Republicans. But even though it’s a liberal-friendly poll, it still spells bad news for President Obama and his liberal allies. Here are some highlights:
