End of Day Archives

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer 

Brewer Picked The Pigskin 

Sadly, as was widely predicted, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer yesterday vetoed SB 1062. Responding to her veto, Todd Starnes of Fox News tweeted, "Protect the Super Bowl or religious liberty? Brewer chose the pigskin."

February Capitol Prayer Alert

Capital Prayer Alert 

As you know, my wife, Carol, prepares a prayer alert about once a month. I hope you will share Carol's thoughts with your friends and fellow worshippers. Thank you for taking an interest in her monthly devotion. -- Gary

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty 

Arizona is ground zero in the latest culture clash. Governor Jan Brewer is under enormous pressure to veto a bill (SB 1062) that strengthens religious liberty protections for individuals. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Obama's Obsession -- I 

Almost every day when you pick up the newspaper or turn on the TV, it seems there is some new way that the Obama Administration is promoting the radical homosexual public policy agenda. The issue is its obsession. 

Today's Washington Post has a lengthy story about Uganda's new law criminalizing homosexual behavior. The headline reads: "Ugandan President Defies U.S., Signs Anti-Gay Bill." The subtitle warns: "Western Aid At Risk; White House Describes Law As Abhorrent."

Monday, February 24, 2014

Administration Proposes Big Budget Cuts! 

The Obama Administration today announced major budget cuts. Of course, those cuts are aimed at reducing the Army to its lowest levels since before World War II. According to one report, the plan from Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel "takes into account the fiscal reality of government austerity." 

Friday, February 21, 2014

You Read It Here First! 

If you've been watching Fox News in the past day or so, then you know about the latest controversy involving the left's efforts to silence its critics by using the Federal Communications Commission to go after the news media. 

We reported on this assault on the First Amendment last week. Thankfully, Fox News is now giving the issue extensive exposure.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Obama Does It Again 

Barack Obama seems to have learned little from his rhetorical missteps regarding intervention in Syria. No doubt you recall his infamous "red line" remark from August 2012. "We have been very clear to the Assad regime … that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized," he said. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Faith Under Fire 

News about religious persecution abroad and threats to religious liberty here at home increasingly are part of this daily report. That fact is a sad testament to the times in which we live. But it is important for men and women of faith to understand the danger.

During a recent interview with CNSNews.com, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia issued a stark warning about the growing danger to religious liberty in America. Here are some excerpts of that interview: 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Obama's Priorities 

Radical Islamists in Nigeria launched attacks on Christians in two villages, killing more than one hundred people this weekend. 

Saturday morning residents of Doron Baga, a fishing village, came under attack. One survivor said, "They opened fire from all directions, forcing residents to jump into the lake in a bid to escape, and many drowned while others were gunned down." 

Friday, February 14, 2014

IRS Abuse Continues 

Here's the latest example of the left's growing intolerance. According to several press reports, vulnerable senators up for reelection this year are pressuring the IRS to go after non-profit charities and social welfare organizations. 
