End of Day Archives

Kerry's Credibility, Left-wing Activist Kills Cop, Muslim Migration

Kerry's Credibility

As you know, Secretary of State John Kerry was our chief appeaser -- Whoops! I mean negotiator -- during the Iranian nuclear talks. We and other critics of the deal believe Kerry was fleeced by his Iranian counterparts.

Europe's Refugee Crisis, British "Progressives" Turn Hard Left, Poll Position, No Fear

Europe's Refugee Crisis

The refugee crisis bedeviling Europe has dominated headlines for the past week. European nations are struggling to manage the flood of humanity and they have responded in varying ways. Last week, President Obama committed America to taking in 10,000 more refugees from Syria, but there are hints the figure could be closer to 100,000.

Here are some brief observations on this crisis:

Never Forget, Putin Pushes Russian Power, Stop The Insults, L'Shanah Tovah

Never Forget

It is hard to believe that 14 years have passed since the 9/11 attacks. Today is a good day to talk to your children and grandchildren who, in many cases, were not alive or were too young to understand what happened or why.

Unfortunately, all too often, they are getting a warped analysis of that day. Some colleges are actually teaching about 9/11 from the perspective of the hijackers.

Boehner Changes Course, Iran Deal Is Crazy, National Security Scandals, Poll Position

Boehner Changes Course On Iran

As Americans rallied on Capitol Hill demanding more resistance to the Iran nuclear deal, Speaker John Boehner changed course late yesterday. There is a growing consensus that President Obama failed to meet his legal obligations under the Iran Nuclear Review Act, so the speaker scrapped plans for just one vote.

The House will reportedly vote on three resolutions:

Tea Time For Iran Debate, Governors Push Back, The People Vs. The Politicians, Iran's Supreme Leader

Tea Time For Iran Debate

President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran got the Tea Party treatment today. Americans concerned about our security and Israel's turned out on Capitol Hill this afternoon for a huge rally warning against this terrible deal. It featured Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson, Donald Trump and many others.

I also spoke at the rally and did a live interview with the Fox Business Network as the event was getting underway.

Obama Breaks Law He Signed, Don't Give Up, Christians & The Law

Obama Breaks Law He Signed

A county clerk in Kentucky spent the holiday weekend in jail for refusing to follow the law. (More on that below.) But President Obama is also refusing to follow a law that he signed.

Obama Wins; America Loses, Servergate Gets Serious, Poll Position

Obama Wins; America Loses

Yesterday, Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski became the 34th senator to support the Iranian nuclear deal. Her support gives President Obama the votes needed to sustain his veto of a congressional resolution disapproving the deal. That means this terrible deal will likely go into effect.

Blumenthal's Bad Advice, Christie Goes Nuclear, Fiorina Wins Again

Blumenthal's Bad Advice

Top government officials get a lot of advice from a lot of people. Cabinet officials have entire cadres of career civil servants dedicated to providing information and analysis.

In the case of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, we know from her publicly disclosed emails that she also relied heavily on outside, non-governmental sources, especially from one person -- Sidney Blumenthal.

Iran's Shopping Spree, Act Of Love, Bashing Boehner, Forgotten Already

Iran's Shopping Spree

Advocates of the nuclear treaty with Iran, including President Obama, have repeatedly claimed that the agreement strengthens moderates and will change Iran's behavior. They are wrong.

Yesterday, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, chief of Tehran's top clerical body, said that the United States remains Iran's "number one enemy" and that the nuclear treaty changes nothing.

Poll Position, Lives Matter

Poll Position

New polling out of Iowa is sending shock waves throughout the political establishments of both parties. A Des Moines Register poll of likely caucus goers finds Bernie Sanders surging to within seven points of Hillary Clinton.

Thirty percent of Iowa Democrats back the Vermont socialist compared to 37% for Clinton. Fourteen percent of Democrats back Vice President Joe Biden.
