End of Day Archives

Biden's Hostage Crisis, Today's Disaster Headlines, Alienating Our Allies

Biden's Hostage Crisis


I warned yesterday that we could be facing the worst hostage crisis in our nation's history. I thought about it some more, and it occurred to me that we are already facing the worst hostage crisis in our nation's history. 


Thousands of Americans are trapped in what is now enemy territory. Many are hundreds of miles from Kabul. And our own leaders are already talking about these trapped Americans as if they are hostages.


Something's Wrong, About That Interview, Our Modern Military

Something's Wrong


I woke up this morning with a thought many Americans likely share: Something is deeply wrong at the White House. Something seems to be wrong with the president. And you're right to be worried.


Biden's Afghan Blunder, A Word About Refugees, Christians In Danger

Biden's Afghan Blunder


We're just seven months into his presidency and already Joe Biden has committed one of the greatest military and national security blunders in modern American history. 


In 1975, America suffered a black eye when the world watched the fall of Saigon and the desperate South Vietnamese trying to escape the communists. It took years to recover from that debacle. 


Biden's Afghanistan Disaster, Communist China Celebrates, Lessons Still Not Learned

Biden's Afghan Disaster


Biden's Afghanistan Scandal, Afghanistan Collapse, September 11th

Biden's Afghanistan Scandal


I'm sad and beyond angry, and you should be too, watching the scandalous disaster unfolding in Afghanistan. Yes, it is a scandal. It's happening because we have cowards at the highest levels of government. 


Sadly, too many military leaders are more interested in satisfying the left than they are in being worthy of leading our brave troops into battle.


Biden’s Afghanistan Travesty, Liberal New York City Bans Blacks

Biden’s Afghanistan Travesty


I am not for endless wars. Trump had an organized plan to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan while keeping the Taliban at bay by the use of sustained U.S. air power. Biden has completely botched it, and the Taliban does not fear him. 


The Socialist Freight Train Rolls On, U.S. Now Dependent On Our Enemies For Oil

The Socialist Freight Train Rolls On


Senate Democrats didn’t waste any time after they passed a $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill with the help of 17 Republican senators. Within hours they passed a resolution, this one on a party line vote, to direct Senate committees to begin work filling in details on a $3.5 trillion “soft infrastructure” bill. Make no mistake about it, this larger package is pure socialism and left-wing social engineering that would hasten the morphing of the U.S. into Venezuela.


Climate Panic Heating Up

Climate Panic Heating Up


The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change just released its 6th 4,000-page assessment report. I can summarize it for you: We are all going to die unless we allow more big government, more regulations, more socialism, and less freedom. Only if we do that now, right now, immediately, do we have a chance to save ourselves, maybe.


Children At Risk Part II, Her Name Was Ella French, Are You A Slave To The Left

Children At Risk Part II


As I previously noted, Dr. James Dobson and I recently taped two broadcasts for his Family Talk radio show. The occasion was the 30th anniversary of the publication of "Children at Risk," a book Dr. Dobson and I wrote together. 


In "Children at Risk," we warned decades ago about what was happening in our schools at the hands of radical secularists. We also warned about the rise of socialism and Marxism in America.


Children At Risk Part I, Olympics USA Beats Communist China, Globalism’s Harvest of Hate

Children At Risk Part I


As I previously noted, Dr. James Dobson and I recently taped two broadcasts for his Family Talk radio show. The occasion was the 30th anniversary of the publication of "Children At Risk," a book Dr. Dobson and I wrote together. 


In "Children At Risk," we warned decades ago about what was happening in our schools at the hands of radical secularists. We also warned about the rise of socialism and Marxism in America.

