End of Day Archives

Unfit For Office, Wrestling With Wray, Curious Changes

Unfit For Office


Musk vs. Zuck, Reality vs. Ideology, Go Woke Go Broke

Musk vs. Zuck


Yellen’s Bad Bow, Left-wing Hate, Biden Family Values

Yellen’s Bad Bow


A Christian Woman’s Courage, Cocaine Gate

A Christian Woman’s Courage


Box Office and Neglect of Office, Pray For African Christians

Box Office and Neglect of Office
A remarkable movie premiered this week and topped the July 4 box office. The Sound of Freedom, a gripping account of one man’s fight against the brutal trade in child sex trafficking, brought in $2.5 million more than the much-anticipated Indiana Jones finale starring Harrison Ford.

A Fourth Of July Victory, Snow At The White House

A Fourth Of July Victory


A Supreme Win For First Freedoms, The Rule Of Law Prevails, The Trump Court

A Supreme Win For First Freedoms


It was a good day at the Supreme Court today for free speech, religious liberty and the rule of law. The justices handed down their last major decisions for this term and the conservative majority held firm.


Supremes End Racial Quotas, Defending Faith, The Big Guy & That Balloon

Supremes End Racial Quotas


The Bidens At Their Best, More Double Standards, The Pro-Abortion Left

The Bidens At Their Best


Yesterday, the House Oversight Committee released more damning messages from Hunter Biden to his communist Chinese business partners.  The messages show the Chinese communists were attempting to save some money ($5 million) while Hunter was demanding $10 million.


In the exchange, Hunter tells one of his Chinese associates:


Pro-Abortion Arson, Left-wing Lunacy, Experimenting On Kids

Late Saturday night, Incarnation Catholic Church in Orlando, Florida, went up in flames. According to Father William Holiday, “The church for all intents and purposes on the inside is destroyed.”

It’s possible this was just an unfortunate coincidence, but that’s not likely. Saturday was the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Since the Dobbs decision was leaked last year, hundreds of churches, pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations have been attacked, vandalized, firebombed, etc.
