End of Day Archives

Deranged DeNiro, What If, Kicker Stands Firm

The Biden White House has insisted that Donald Trump’s prosecutions are not political in any way and that this is just the legal system at work, proving that no one is above the law. But what did they do yesterday?

The Biden campaign sent left-wing actor Robert DeNiro to hold a big press conference outside the Manhattan courthouse as closing arguments in Trump’s bookkeeping trial were underway. What a revealing spectacle that was.

DeNiro may be a good actor, but he’s a terrible legal and political analyst.

Biden's Weakness, Witness Tampering, Trump's Trials

It’s rare for European nations to adopt a stronger foreign policy position than the United States. So, it is worth taking note when it happens, and it is happening right now.

There are disturbing reports that the Biden administration is pressuring our European allies, especially Britain and France, to back down when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program.

Patriot Graves'

Patriot Graves


Packing The Courts, Trump To The Bronx, Pandemic Replay

Packing The Courts


The “Progs” (progressives) have not been shy about their desire to “fundamentally transform” the courts. They have repeatedly called for packing the Supreme Court with additional left-wing activists in order to end the court’s conservative majority.


Biden's Gestapo, Marxist Coup, Rewarding Terror

Biden’s Gestapo


There was an extraordinarily disturbing development yesterday that barely got any notice. Newly released court documents show that the FBI was authorized to use deadly force during the unprecedented raid at Mar-a-Lago.


ICC Absurdity, Biden's Blunders, Trump's Trials

ICC Absurdity


Yesterday, we reported on the outrage triggered by the decision of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) chief prosecutor to seek arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli defense minister.


Divider In Chief, One Less Tyrant, International Outrage

The Divider In Chief


Joe Biden doesn’t seem to like America all that much. The man who claimed he wanted to unite the country just gave a speech that did nothing but trash the country and inflame racial tensions.


Alien Base Invaders, Trump's Good Day, What's He Hiding

Alien Base Invaders


“Open Borders” Biden may have a big problem on his hands. But it remains to be seen if the American people will ever know about it.


Did you know that over the last few years, there have been repeated attempts by Chinese nationals to gain access to American military bases? This isn’t just a couple of random incidents. It’s happened more than 100 times.


Biden's Border Baloney, Beijing's Influence, The Intolerant Left

Biden’s Border Baloney


There are reports that President Joe Biden is about to issue an executive order to close the southern border when illegal crossings are exceeding 4,000 a day.


Biden’s handlers obviously understand how badly the immigration issue is hurting him, and they’re desperate to show some “action.” But this plan is total baloney.


Children At Risk, Biden Lies Again, Debate Deal

Children At Risk


It is impossible to exaggerate the extent to which the left is willing to go to indoctrinate our children with the LGBTQ agenda.


For example, Joe Biden is using the federal government to force every school in the country to allow boys into our daughters’ bathrooms and locker rooms. It is also impossible to exaggerate the great lengths they will go to in order to hide what they are doing.

